Social Scripting in Minecraft

This post has been moved to its new home at Snagglebox:


  1. I have a lot to learn from you. I have used their various interests to teach things,emotions with Thomas, manners with Caillou, and the idea of good and evil from Star Wars, but I have never thought of using a game like Minecraft to teach social interactions. Thanks!

    1. Hello, Ms Lori!

      I remember trying to teach emotions with Thomas, then realising that pretty much the engines spend most of their time pissed off at something. "Gordon was annoyed that Percy was making so much fuss..."

      The thing that I'm finding about Minecraft is that not only does there seem to be unlimited learning opportunities, but that it's especially well suited to being a role play tool for kids who find that kind of thing confronting. The fact that Max feels so confident there is a huge resource, I hope I can find many more ways to make use of that.

  2. we pulled our guy out this past march to home school. It has been very interesting. do you use your mine craft on the computer as he and his sister love to play on their ipods. they even go into each others worlds and work together which doesnt always happen so when it is i tend to let them just keep playing. his main dx is pdd-nos along with several others so it has made this very hard some days trying to keep him on task or interested in something other than his latest "it" thing. thank you for the great information.

    1. You're welcome, thanks for stopping by!

      We use Minecraft on both the computer and the ipad, but it's far and away better on the computer. I love the collaboration aspect of Minecraft, it's really what sets it apart. I'm finding new ways to use it everyday for homeschool, and think it's particularly well suited to autistic kids and those that find social stuff overwhelming. Let me know how homeschool goes for you, I love hearing about what other people are doing.
